Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rom Wilch

Last night, I talked to a friend for the first time in 10 years. A pity it took so long, but we just really lost touch once I became more disengaged from Orange County in the mid 90's. I had wanted to find Rom many times and googled his name every so often, but usually all I came up with was a black fashion designer by the same name.

Until I put in not only his name but also the company he worked for...Dupont. Then I tracked him down.. I found him on the website for the Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton where he was under consideration to be an elder. I got in touch with one of the pastors there who got me in touch with Ron.

Assuming he has not changed, Ron is one of the most humble and encouraging men I have ever known. Every time we talked or got together, I always came away with a refreshed soul. Let me mention a quick story which sums up his character well...he actually reminded me of the story last night.

When we were both involved in the singles ministry at Mariners Church in Newport Beach, I would always be there early because I was in charge of doing nametags. One night, it was my birthday, but I was still there doing nametags. Rom also came early, went out to my pickup truck and wrote on it that it was my birthday. So of course everyone coming in is wishing me a happy birthday and I didn't find out until later what had actually happened.

There's more stories also, such as exploding bean dip around a campfire and a prayer by ron causing a thunderstorm to stop. But those are for another time. Needless to say. I'm glad we're back in touch and I look forward to renewing our friendship

1 comment:

Matt said...

THere is a Mariner's Church on the San Mateo County coast. Do you think it is related?