Monday, October 29, 2007

Things coming to a head

Things are heating up on the job search. I've still got 3 very strong possibilities (not counting churches). They are at Bank of the West, Evangelical Christian Credit Union and The Mechanics Bank.

I have an interview at Bank of The West on Wed at 11. THis seems almost like a slam dunk. Tom, my former boss at Mechanics Bank knows the guy I'm interviewing with. He's looking for someone just like me.

My third interview with the credit union is tomorrow at 10.

Mechanicss BAnk is considering me for a Sales manager position in the corporate bnaking side of things. I think there's a bit of guilt on the bnak's side about having to let me go, so there might be a little pressure to find something else for me. THis could be it

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Boss

My friend Steve and I went to see Bruce Springsteen in concert last night. After all that's been going on with my dad and the job search the last few weeks, this was a good escape for a few hours. Of course I bought the tickets before I got laid off...otherwise I wouldn't have gone.

The Boss was The Boss. Greatest concert in the world (no matter what you Stones and Dave Matthews people say) How he can still go out night after night at age 57 and do this is beyond me. There were a lot of the classics ('Badlands', 'No Surrender', "The Promised Land'), some nuggets from the past ("Thundercrack', "Tunnel of Love'). Plus all the new stuff which sounded great even thought i don't have the album yet ('Radio Nowhere', 'Girls in Their Summer Clothes', 'Gypsy Biker').

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bunny and Billy Karnes

Bunny Karnes died 2 days ago. She was the mother of my friend Matt and one of the sweetest women you could ever meet. She was probably about 80 and died of (I guess) natural causes. Her husband Billy died probably about a year or so ago.

We used to go out to the ranch where they lived outside of Visalia for some holidays. Sometimes it was just me and sometimes with Christa. We were there for Easter and 4th of July. They were the most Godly couple one could ever meet.

A quick story which illustrates everything about them. When Christa and I were still dating, we were there for a weekend. Christa (who was still living in So Cal at the time) brought a homemade apple pie. Billy took one bite of it and said, Jeff, you need to marry this girl right now. I'll do the ceremony." At that point Bunny ( I still don't know her given name) popped up and said, "I'll get the minister's book!) No, we' didn't get married then. But this shows what a sweet, loving and enjoyable couple they were. They were probably married about 60 years or so and didn't know what to do without the other. This probably explained why Bunny went within a year or so of Billy.

I will miss them

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hurry up and wait

Ah, the frustrations of a job search.

There are some really good options out there that I am just waiting on. Tomorrow I've got an interview for another position at THe Mechanics Bank as Product Manager. I think I've got a pretty decent shot at it just because of my position at the bank. Perahps there may even be a bit of pressure for them to hire me. Who can say??

I've got a 2-hour long interview with the full search committee at the church in Walla Walla on the 11th. It's so far alway because the Senior Pastor is on a mission trip to India. But things look hopeful there..

I'm still waiting on some contact info at Dealertrack. If I could get an interview there, I'd likely have a good shot because of my relationships with dealers in the area.

But my best shot right now is probably at ECCU (Evangelical Christian Credit Union). I've interviewed twice and it looks good. I'm waiting to get a call back to find out what the next step is...probably a face-to-face interview at their headquarters in Orange County before an offer arrives. This is the one I am most hopeful about.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Can you schedule The Holy Spirit???

Over in Richmond, near my church is a Baptist church. For the last couple of weeks, they have had a sign outside that says "Revival Nov 14-17".

Silly me. I thought revival was the work of the Holy Spirit and depended upon when, where and on whom He wished to give a spirit of revival. I guess ther Baptists know how to get on the calendar better than others.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Caleb's funny, I'm not making this up

Today was the annual 'Friend Day' at church. Afterwards, we always have a big picnic and BBq with games to play, etc. Of course we went today and had a great time.

I was asking Caleb what he wanted to eat. I said, "Caleb, do you want a hot dog?" He replied, "No, daddy. Do they have any vegetables?" I'm not making this up (To quote Matt)

Friday, October 12, 2007


Today was my last day at the bank...assuming that I don't end up in another position with them. People weren't really sure what to do with me. Most talked...some ignored...some hugs. No type of goodbye party or anything. If I had left of my own accord, you can be sure there would have been a lunch or somethng. But...nothing.

I packed up and moved all my stuff out. Called some dealers to let them know what was going on. I can imagine it was a bit awkward for others as well.

Life goes on. God is in control.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Quote of the day

"What I want to achieve is an understanding on our part that the Bible is not just a book of the past. It is far more than that; it is a book of the present and future. In all time, in all periods, in crisis as well as success, man may find his problems and anxieties defined in this Book of Books.

Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I really wish I knew what God was doing

Obviously I'm in the middle of my job search...primarily for a secular, banking job. I didn't have any churches on the horizon. But I got a call today from Brad hendrickson from Trinity Church in Walla Walla Washington. I had sent them my resume in July and never heard anything. Until today when I am on the phone for an hourlong interview.

Is this God's timing in everything??? Is it truly time to move on in ministry??? Brad and I had a great conversation. Our theology, philosophy of ministry, etc. match up really really well. We'll see what happens with this in coming days.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Funny bits from Caleb

On Sunday, Caleb was playng with his friend Octavia. She's older, about 8 or so and they were playing detective in the house after watching some Scooby-Doo. THey were going around with a pad of paper and octavia was writing down 'clues'. Such as 'Why is the broom out of the closet? Must be a clue."

They walk by Regan who is eating a piece of bread. Caleb says, "Regan is eating bread. Where DID (emphasis perfect) that bread come from? Must be a clue."