Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sermon notes on Matthew Part 2

The only time that Matthew talks about himself in his gospel is when he is called by Jesus. It was in Capernaum, Jesus' adopted hometown, so he was known. Matthew was a tax collector there. Jesus comes by the tax office and calls him to follow. Immediately, Matthew closes up shop and follows. He then throws a banquet and invites the only people who will socialize with him...other tax collectors and sinners. His first response was to introduce others to Jesus.

AN outcast among Jews, he couldn't even go to synagogue. His only other friends would be those on the outskirts of society.

Matthew made a greater sacrifice than any other apostle. Peter could go back to fishing if this Jesus thing didn't work out. But once Matthew left, the Romans would have someone else there in no time. He was finished. Yet he still followed.

What caused him to get up and follow?
Deep down he was a Jew who knew the O.T. and was spiritually hungry.
He had a spiritual hunger that he didn't know how to fill
Most difficult place for Christian to be...In conscious sin but not doing anything about it.

Summary of Matthew
- Knew O.T.
- Dropped everything to follow Jesus
- Embraced outcasts and introduced them to Jesus
- Man of quiet humility
- God often takes despicable people, redeems them, gives them new hearts and uses them in remarkable ways.

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