Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wisconsin...but...and then

Our five-day visit to Jacob's Well church and Eau Claire was pretty amazing. We felt so totally welcomed by the people. The church is growing like a week...1100 right now, 800 this time last year and 550 the year before that. The community is hungry for God...no doubt about that. The interviews, the staff, the small group coaches and leaders...all amazing. This seemed like a home run. My last meeting with the Executive Pastor was on the morning we left and it was all positive. No red flags on their end. No questions at all. No reason why we should not move forward with this. But let's take a couple of days, go back to our respective corners and make sure this is what we want to do. That God is in this.


5 days later I get a call. They don't feel a peace about this. No questions about my qualifications, my ability to do the job or about anything else for that matter. Just no peace. o they passed on me after all of this. Christa and I were devastated. We had even found a house out there and been preaproved for a loan. But no peace about it. More than anything else that is what frustrates us. Give us something concrete! Give us a solid reason! Almost anything more than just a sense of no peace about it.

And then...

I walk into my job at the credit union on Monday and promptly get laid off. For the second time in 7 months. They ran out of money...pure and simple. I will rant and rave about them tomorrow.

So instead of thinking that a lifelong dream has been fulfilled and we are off to Wisconsin, instead I find my self unemployed. Just call me Job


Matt said...

Hmmmm. It probably does you no good to think of Job. Not that you are , Jonah, but I think that comparing oneself to Jonah is,generally, more useful. Our problems are usually that we want what God does not. Or else we do not want what God gives us. And most of the time we are not righteous like Job. But if a man looks for the ways in which he is Jonah, and ask God to show him where he is wrong, God will show it to him and he can being working on it. And that is much better for a person than thinking about how he is like Righteous Job.

macbosnia said...

Praying for you and your family, Jeff.