Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Business still good

In an an environment where car sales are taking it in the shorts I'm starting to do pretty well. Last month I did 4.3 M and so far this month I'm trackng 4.5M. Dealers are still signing up and wanting to do business. This job could work out pretty well after all. It's been a shift being out seeing dealers all day as opposed to half in the field and half in the office like at Mechanics Bank but I'm adjusting pretty well.

Oh, I talked to a dealer today who knew my former boss at the credit union. He referred to her as "stupid, dumb and vindictive". That pretty well sums it up

1 comment:

Matt said...

good good! Jeff, maybe banking is your true calling. Doors seem to open for you in banking, but close for you in the pastorate. Why not be content to be a banker and continue the very good work you are doing at Bay Hills?

Something else to think about... I have a friend who is the senior pastor at a Calvary Chapel (they franchise, you know) over on the coast. He deliberately refuses to be full-time. He thinks he is a better pastor because he has to work on a job. As for all of that stuff that fills a pastor's life, things such as visiting the sick, committee meetings, planning services; he expects the people in his church to do most of that, and they do.