Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Go Joe and Right Said Fred

There are pretty much only 3 Democrats I would ever vote for for anything above pool boy. They are Sam Nunn, Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman. Tonight, Al Gore's former VP was a turncoat to his own party as he fianlly saw the light and escaped from the darkness. Although I like most things about Joe Lieberman, I still can't figure out how an Orthodox Jew is not pro-life.

And Fred Thompson. Where was this man 8 months ago? Based on what I saw tonight I would have voted for him in a heartbeat. When he was in the primaries he ran a lackluster campaign and was often accused of being a lazy campaigner. pretty true label, based on everything I saw bck them. But he comes out tonight roaring like a lion.

I am proud to be a Republican.

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