Wednesday, September 17, 2008

KPFA and Jesse Jackson

I like listening to KPFA every so often just to hear what the liberal nutjobs are talking about.

Today they had an interview with Jesse Jackson and he was ranting and raving about voter fraud in the 2000 and 2004 elections. Her was saying tht in 2000 Katherine Harris was taking names off of prison registers for Republican votes and that the Republicans stole the election. Of course there's not a shred of any evident anywhere to back up such an asinine claim, but that's what Democrats do. They accuse with no evidence at all.

The Jesse went on to say tht Republicans stole the 2004 election in Ohio. He was talking about long lines and then he said something just absolutely ridiculous. He said "it was raining and we had wet voters and dry voting machines and they stole the election" Huh?????

Evidently for Democrats it is only a legitimate election if they win. If the Republicans win they have evidenlty stolen the election somehow. I wonder how Jesse explains Ronald Regan rigging 49 states in 1984??

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