Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Praying for wisdom...and getting it

In regards to the neverending pastoral search I've recently begun praying for wisdom in the midst of it...not just that God would land us in a place. How to do about the search? How to know if a particular church is good for us...that sort of wisdom.

But the wisdom that God is giving me comes from an unexpected source. The wisdom is tracking with the book of Joshua which I am studying and leading my men in.

In Joshua 3, the nation is at the rivers' edge, ready to cross into Canaan. But the Jordan at flood stage and the only way that Israel can cross over is if God does a miracle, a wonder. So with me. I am standing at the river's edge ready to cross over. I've sent our resumes, interviewed, etc. But I can't get a pastoral position until God does a work.

In Joshua 4, after Israel has crossed over, 12 men, one from each tribe each get a large stone and set up a memorial to what had happened. I too have my own memorial of how God called me into's there and I can look back and be confident in where I am.

Then in Joshua 6 israel goes in and takes Jericho...but in an unusual way. They march around the city once for 6 days, then 7 times on the 7th day, give a shout and the walls fall. It is according to God's timing, not mine and according to God's method as well.

God's tracking with me through Israel's history


Matt said...

I bet if you ran an ad like this in Christianity Today you'd get a hundred phone calls in the first week:

"Seminary trained pastor with extensive experience in one on one ministry as well as small groups and preaching seeks pastor position in small struggling church with small congregation located in declining town or inner city. I'm willing to get my hands dirty and grow in the Lord with you."

jeff miller said...

That's pretty flippin' good.