Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The new Red Green show

I didn't even know this was still on, even in reruns!! I saw 2 episodes once while visiting my friend Bryan in Boise. Caught an episode last night on a PBS pledge drive.

This may well be the funniest show ever made. It was on Canadian tv and was a cross between a reality show and sketch comedy. The basic set was the Possum Lodge in Canada and Red Green was the leader. The show was built around men helping other men to be men.

Here's what last night's show dealt with. Trying to pu a sunroof in a van. But once the hole was cut, Red broke the pane of glass. He therefore used an upside-down aquarium with the logic that you could stick your head out and see above traffic.

There was a section on bungee jumping, but Red decided that the bungee rope was too expensive and instead bought 100 pair of extra stretch panty hose for the job.

The third bit was about establishing a petting zoo at the Possum Lodge. The first idea didn't go over so well because all they had were badgers and skunks. The second idea was for a drive-through petting zoo, with animals in mail boxes. You would drive by, open a mailbox, p[et the animal and go to the next.

I heard some of these were on DVD. Gotta get some

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