Monday, May 12, 2008

A divergence from normal reading

Okay, no more Faulkner, Dickens or least this week.

I'm digging into one of my dad's books called "Zim: A Baseball Life". Don Zimmer has been a player, coach and manager in the major leagues for the past 50 years or so. He played with Pee Wee Reese and Jackie Robinson, managed the Cubs and Red Sox and coached for the Yankees for many years. This is his baseball memoir.

Zim is pudgy, cherubic with a pixie-like smile and a face like lumby oatmeal. Who culd not love such a guy?? He's got a plate in his head from being beaned and famously got thrown to the ground by Pedro Martinez about 8 years ago. This will be fun reading.

1 comment:

Matt said...

What happened to the Church Fathers? I was looking forward to more of your comments.