Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our tentative plan

Granted, this plan has not been okayed by Christa yet...

It really is time to move. We've so totally outgrown this condo that we need a bigger place. Yet at the same time we keep waiting and waiting and waiting on God.

We're going to take 2 more months (June and July). If there is really nothing strong working on the ministry list, then we will buy a place in Brentwood or Oakley and move out there. Since Wisconsin I haven't even got a phone call or any nibbles from, churches I have sent my resume to. So...2 more months and we will see what happens


Matt said...

Cyndi and I are looking at a 5 unit apartment building in SF. Nothing decided yet. It is in pretty bad shape and I am not sure I can get the units rentable quick enough. If they would lower the price another $50,000 it would be a lot easier.

Brentwood? Oakley? Where is that? Kansas?

macbosnia said...

Where is that? What happens if you move and then get an offer to go somewhere else?