Monday, June 9, 2008

Numbness in finger

I've had some numbness on the tip of my left middle finger for a couple of days now. It's more a little irritant than anything else. I don't knwo what is causing it. I did have a tickle in my ulnar nerve (funny bone for you, Matt) on Friday that took a couple days to subside and I'm not sure that is connected or not. I looked in a medical reference guide and couldn't find much help there either. There's a thing called "Reynaud's Syndrome" where fingers can become numb but it's usually not just the tip of 1 finger and they normally turn white at the same time. If it's a stroke (highly unlikely) then it is the smallest stroke in teh history of mankind. SO I'll give it a couple of days and see what happens.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Go see your doctor. Persistent numbness in the little finger of my right hand in 1994 was the first symptom I had of spinal disease. It wasn't diagnosed until 2005. I might be in a lot better shape today if I had told a doctor about a numb finger in 1994.