Saturday, June 7, 2008

Starting to get some nibbles

I'm starting to get some nibbles on the resuems I am sending out. The first is from a church in Powell Wyoming. Powell is a church about 75 miles south of Billings Montana and about an hour from Yellowstone. Location-wise, it would be ideal for what I have always looked for. It's for a Senior Pastor position for a church of about 150 people. When I had sent my resume, the first response I got was that I seemed like a breath of fresh air after some of the other resumes he had looked at. They asked for a Statement of Faith, a copy of a sermon and answers to some key theological questions.

Wyoming here we come????

Maybe wr'e just working our way through the states alphabetically. First Wisconsin, then Wyoming. Christ better hope this one works out because next up on the list are Alabama and Alaska.

1 comment:

macbosnia said...

Cool! Will be praying!