Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wing tip boy goes backpacking

Yes, Matt did manage to backpacking once. But never again. Wearing wingtips on the trail just doesn't cut it in Yosemite. Speaking of Yosemite...

Somewhow Matt got the idea ( I have no idea where) that we weren't bringing in a lot of food but instead were going to eat off the land. Kill squirrels, that sort of thing. So he brought a gun. Into a national park. Which is illegal. Highly.

To make matters worse, we ran into a ranger. He must have had gun on the rain that day because he asked me, as the leader of the group, whether I had seen any guns. Matt was standing right next to me. I could truthfully answer that, no, I had not seen any guns.

That doesn't mean, however, that I didn't know where one which pocket of his backpack Matt carried it. Matt just about crapped a brick.


Matt said...

You know, I did buy boots for that trip. Also, I didn't know it at the time, but that was when I had my first major symptoms for the DDD. Remember when John had to cary my pack bcause my arm went numb? I should have seena doctor then.

Reading this post on Saturday got me to thinking about Furuckers, where we ate after the trip to REI. So I talked Cyndi in to going there Sunday Afternoon. They don't sell the big burger I had anymore, but they still sell big burgers. I think once every 10 years is enough.

Matt said...

Oh, and there was getting soaked the first night. And not having any food because I thougt we were going to be "eating off the land" I had brought a gun thinking others were going to bring fishing poles. I was sure we'd have plenty of fresh fish and squirrel meat. Instead I got freeze dried hiker "food" I had to bum from Zach John, and George. (I think you made eggs one morning. That was nice) What a horrible trip that was. When i got back to San Francisco i was so happy to lay down in my flop house bed.