Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a major screwup

My fathers passed away just about a year ago (Nov 1). He was cremated and his ashes to be interred at Skylawn Cemetary on Hwy 92. We went to put the ashes there ourselves. We had ordered a plaque and a vase to be put there.

I visted about 6 months ago...maybe March or so. I didn't tell anyone. I didn't feel I needed to. I got direction from the office, went up there and sat for a few minutes. The plaque was there.

This last weekend my brother was in town. He and my mom went up there. No ashes. No plaque. In his spot was a nameplate for someone who died in 2000. They have no idea where the ashes are and say they never ordered a nameplate.

I feel this is just the beginning. My mom is understandibly outraged...as am I and my brother. They can't find where they moved him

1 comment:

Matt said...

My parents are buried there. I thought about putting my mother in laws ashes in that big library-like room, but when I talked to the staff they didn't see very clued-in. So, as I type this I lift my eyes and see my mother in laws ashes in a box across the room.
I'm sorry Skylawn lost your Dad's remains. I'd hire a lawyer pronto. I can think of 2 parts of the California Code they have violated: tampering with a monument, moving the remains.