Thursday, June 21, 2007

How the 12 could do what they did

Act 17 records the story of the Jews who were unhappy with the apostles' teaching and stormed Jason's house in order to bring the 12 out, presumably to stone them. They were not there, however, so it was Jason who was dragged to the city square. The Jews then said this in 17:6, "Those who have turned the world upside down have come here." That's a pretty dramatic testimony to what these men did. But remember, they didn't have much going for them to begin with. How could they, a group of fisherman, an IRS agent and probably some other tradesmen or craftsmen turn the world upside down?

Acts 4 records another little story. Peter and John were out preaching and the religious leaders were amazed and astonished. Why? The knew who these guys were. Just some fishermen and nobodys. They knew they were untrained and uneducated. Then they connected the dots. They had been with Jesus. That was the key. Not their lack of education or anything like that, but the fact that they had walked with Jesus and had been personally trained by Him.

There came a point in the gospels where opposition to Jesus was increasing and the Jews wanted to get rid of Him. Jesus knew that His earthly ministry had its limits and the cross would soon appear on the horizon. Once He chose the 12, He began to spend His time more and more with them and less with large crowds. His personal training of them began and it was intense. On the surface, they didn't seem to have a lot of potential.

They lacked spiritual discernment. To counter this, Jesus taught and taught all the way until His ascension. They lacked humility, so He modeled it by washing their feet. They lacked faith, so He did miracles and other wonderous acts. They lacked commitment, so He prayed that they would remain strong. They lacked power, so He sent them the Holy Spirit.

All these things we lack also, but by the grace of God, they are given us also so we may minister in the Kingdom of God.

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