Friday, June 15, 2007

Little girl sick

My 4 1/2 month old daughter Regan is sick. She appears to have developed a cold that is really bothering her. She didn't sleep much at all yesterday and didn't go to sleep until after midnight last night. Poor little girl was so incredibly overtired plus dealing with the cold. Christa and I tried to pull every trick out of the bag to help her sleep but nothing worked. Nursing, rocking, ledtting her cry it out...nothing. I even used the means of last resort. I loaded her into the car and went for a drive. No such luck. I finally ended up going to sleep and Christa stayed up with her until she finally went down about 12:30 or so. I was going to have an easier time sleeping with her crying than Christa would. I think it was a good team effort which eventually paid off. Caleb, of course, slept through the entire thing.

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