Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Caleb's theology takes a hit

Caleb's favorite game to play is Candyland. Sometimes we play it a half dozen times per day. For some reason, he wins 2/3 of the time...and I don't let him win. For those who are not familiar with Candyland, you draw cards with different colors on them an go through a maze to get to the end and win. But there are some wild cards which, if drawn, send you to a different part of the board, sometimes forward and sometimes backward. The 2 worst cards to get, especially if you are near the end, are the gingerbread man and the peanut.

When we were playing the other day, I was getting close to winning when Caleb closed his eyes and prayed, saying, "Dear God, please let daddy get the peanut" (He prays this somewhat regularly during the game). The next card he drew was the peanut, sending him almost back to the beginning. He then closed his eyes again and said, "No, God, not me...it was for daddy!"

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