Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Seismic prayer shift

It started a couple of weeks ago with a many named Jeremy who is in my small group Bible study. He was concerned about some financial blessings that he was sure God would bring to him but hadn't yet. He was unsure whether he should thank God in prayer for what he was convinced God would give him or continue to pray that God would give it to him. His concern was whether, if he prayed that God would give it to him, that he wuld be showing a lack of faith instead of simply being in thanks for God's provision.

After a long discussion, we came to the con clusion that we need to do both. We need to thank God for the way that He is providing for us, and yet atthe same time, pray that He would continue to provide for us.

Upon a couple days reflection and prayer, I realized that this situation also pertained to me in being unemployed. I've spent so much time praying that God would provide me with a job that I had forgotten to thank Him for the way that He had already been providing for me. He has given us a good severance package. He has given us unemployment money. He has given Christa work during the week to help out. He has given us good financial skillsl in order to deal with this. He has also given me a unique opportunity to be with my kids in a way that would be impossible elsewhere.

So my prayer has undergone a seismic shift. I no longer simply pray for a job. I give constant thanks for what God is already doing in out lives and I pray for the faith and trust to continue to look to Hm in the future.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Jesus said to pray for bread to eat each day. Anything more than that is luxury.