Monday, March 24, 2008

CHrista and the kids gone

Christa and the kids went to visit her parents in Orange County for a few days. It seems like an ideal time for them to visit for several reasons. First, if we do end up moving to Wisconsin, this might be the last time that she is there for a while. Her parents have not seen the Caleb and Regan since last June, which is an eternity for a little girl like Regan. When they last saw her, she probably wasn't even rolling over. Now she is practically walking and her vocabulary is starting to grow. her fater's health also seems to be going downhill a bit and Christa might not have many more opportunities to see him. Last, because I was unemployed at the end of last year, we didn't get to go down for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. It's good that Christa gets to spend Easter with her family.

So I'm spending time cleaning the house, watching movies that Christa probably wouldnt want to watch and organzing all of the small group material for spring quarter. A couple of days without Christa and the kids is okay, but after that it is a matter of WHERE ARE THEY???????

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