Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I think I'm turning into Ernest Hemingway

I've killed 6 mice in our house in the last 3 weeks, 4 of them just in the last week. Do we have an infestation? have I gotten them all?

It was obvious that we had more than one mouse because no single mouse could poop this amount. I thought it was two or three, but we keep catching them. They're either gtetting bolder or dumber. There was one on Sunday afternoon who just decided to plant himself on the kitchen floor and much on a little piece of spinach, even with all of us around there. I dropped a piece of tupperware over him, slid some newspaper under it and carried him out. Christa made me promise to throw out the tupperware as well. I had another one run through the kitchen on Sunday night and I spent a decent amount of time trying to chase him down. I saw no sign on Monday and I thought I had scared him away...maybe for good. But there he was this morning, his furry little body glued to the trap. So out he went.

The poops are getting less and less, so I am hoping that we did the last one in this morning or that any other mice start to realize that all their mouse buddies are no longer around and clear out while they still can

1 comment:

Matt said...

You have an infestation. You did not get them all. You won't be able to solve the problem without getting your HOA involved.