Monday, June 30, 2008

One month to go

Today is June 30. I've been swending resumes out like crazy the last 4 weeks or so and have virtually no nibbles. A church in richmond Virginia said they were interested but that I needed to be patient with their process. I haven't heard anything since. A church in Cody Wyoming is interested but they are already brigning someone out to candidate the 2nd weekend of July.

If it continues silent like this for another month, it seems likely that we will rent this house out and move out to Brentwood or Oakley


Matt said...

I still don't get why you are moving to Brentwood or Oakley. Its even farther away from everything than Hercules. Is it closer to your job? Do you know people there? Inquiring minds want to know.

Matt said...

One to go? I thougt it was just one month total. When did it become two months?