Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Orchard

The Orchard is a church out in Brentwood, where Christa and I are thinking about moving. The Senior Pastor is the best friend of my pastor at Bay Hills. His name is Steve.

I talked to Steve today about a part-time position at his church should Christa and I move out there and he up for getting together to talk about it. The Orchard is part of the Reformed Church of America (Bryguy would be so proud). They're running about 100 people or so which would make it a great chance to pug and do a lot of hands-on ministry work.

We're going to get together in 2 weeks or so to talk about things and see what we can come up with.


Matt said...

But you are not a Calvinist? Why would you go to a RCA church? Dude, you're really going to have to bone up on writings of Loraine Boettner.

But seriously,as someone who opposes infant Baptism, how are you going to deal with that?

Look at what they say about Baptism: "In baptism God promises by grace alone to forgive our sins; to adopt us into the Body of Christ, the church;to send the Holy Spirit daily to renew and cleanse us; and to resurrect us to eternal life." (from the RCA website) Do you believe that is what happens in Baptism?

Matt said...

Here is what they say about Communion:

"Through our prayers and the sharing of bread and wine we are joined to Christ and through Christ to each other. "

You don't believe this.

Matt said...

Do you?

Matt said...

There is a church called "The Orchard" in Cambell, one block from the Orthodox Church. Are they related?