Thursday, July 10, 2008

Caleb and Daddy at the movies

Caleb and I went to see WALL:E over last weekend. I think Caleb's favorite part of going to the movies is getting the candy before...he likes Jelly Bellys and I got red licorice.

A littelv while into the movie I'm beginning to think that it is left-wing diatribe by the tree-hugger union. But as it went on I realized that if anyone got skewered it was Walmart. By the mid-21st century evry function on earth (including government) has been taken over by BNL, also known as BIG N LARGE. They have so trashed the world that mankind must leave on a spaceship until plant life can grow again.

Lots of slapstick in the movie...didn't expect to see clips from 'Hello Dolly' in there. Not much if any talking for the first 30 minutes or so. Good flick. Might get nominated for Best Picture.

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