Monday, July 28, 2008

Scripture meditation

One things I have been a bit negligent on lately is any type of conscious Scripture meditation. Not prayer over or study of Scripture but rather just medtation. Thinking about what it says. turning it over and over in my mind. Letting it settle in the sediment and lay there.

Ephesians 1:3 says "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus CHrist who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ." This was the verse for some meditation tonight. No great insights came from 'Aha!' moments. Just repeating it over and over, getting it into my whole body. It's not a matter of always having to do something with Scripture but sometimes it is just getting it away from your eyes and your mind and getting ito the muscles, internal organs and al through the body for nourishment.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Thats very Orthodox. You might have some hesychast in you, after all.